Remembering a Bleak Past, Avoiding a Bleaker Future
A donation of $100 will provide you or the person or entity you designate a large donation plaque on the corner of a grove bench indicating you have donated one quarter of the bench. A donation of $200 will provide you or the person or entity you designate a large donation plaque on a grove bench indicating you have donated half of the bench. A donation of $400 will give you a plaque showing that you or the person or entity you designate donated the entire bench. We will take a photo of your bench at the grove and send it to you. Please call or text us if you have any questions at 202-393-1511. Thank you.
Prisons Foundation Covid-19 Memorial Grove is a large expanse of land in Linden, Virginia, one hour from Washington, DC, that commemorates victims of Covid-19 in prison. Situated on a large tract of land owned by the Prisons Foundation, it commemorates the illness and deaths in prison among inmates and staff during the Covid-19 pandemic.
The PF Covid-19 Memorial Grove is a beautiful nature preserve that overlooks the Shenandoah Valley. The Grove has been left in its natural state and is cared for year round. Throughout the PF Covid-19 Memorial Grove, creative hand-painted signs and markers by prison artists have been placed that contain the names of prisons where the pandemic was the most devastating.
The PF Covid-19 Memorial Grove is located at the corner of High Top and Crossway Lanes in Linden, Virginia. It is within minutes from Route 66.
Situated close to the PF Covid-19 Memorial Grove is Saint Dominic’s Monastery on Monastery Road. Saint Dominic’s Monastery is the residence of cloistered contemplative clergy with weekly religious services open to the public.
The PF Covid-19 Memorial Grove was created and exists through the generous support of private individual donors. To make your tax-deductible donation in any amount, please use the Donate button on this page. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the PF Covid-19 Memorial Grove, or would like to sponsor a bench or memorial marker in the Grove, please write to
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